A Balinese boy’s imaginative journey towards recovery from Tourette’s Syndrome (25 min)
The film focuses on a growing boy, Wayan Yoga, and is not so much about illness as it is an exploration of the protective aspects of culture that may guide developmental neuropsychiatric processes. At six years old, Wayan Yoga is an energetic boy who flies kites and is obsessed with the monsters of Balinese mythology. He also has various tics, which move his parents to seek treatment. At twenty, he is a young man planning his career as a chef and an expressive Balinese dancer.
Ultimately, Wayan Yoga’s tics are insignificant to his evolving sense of self-compared to the saturation of symbols, images, and narratives of his culture. While Wayan must learn to negotiate the kinds of movements, interests, and goals that are culturally appropriate, the protective buffer of his family guides him successfully into normative Balinese adulthood.
“I dare to fight giants, monsters and demons.”

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Robert Lemelson
Robert Lemelson
Alessandra Pasquino
Wing Ko
Pietro Scalia
Chisako Yokoyama
Malcolm Cross
Consulting Editor
Music Composer
Kites and Monsters, Winner, 2nd Place Short Documentary Competition, “Best Editing,” “Best Sound Design,” Los Angeles New Wave Film Festival, Los Angeles, CA, 2013
Afflictions 2011, Semi-Finalist, Moondance Film Festival, Boulder, CO, 2012
Afflictions 2011, Winner, Award of Excellence, The Indie Fest, 2011
Kites and Monsters, WorldKids International Film Festival, Mumbai, india, 2012
Kites and Monsters, Humboldt Film Festival, Humboldt, CA 2013
Afflictions 2011, Third World Indie Film Festival, Milpitas, CA, 2011
Afflictions 2011, Cinesol Film Festival, Harlingen, TX.
Kites and Monsters, American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry / Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada, 2011
Kites and Monsters, 111th American Anthropological Conference, San Francisco, CA, 2012
Kites and Monsters, UCLA Indonesian Studies Conference, Los Angeles, CA, 2012
Kites and Monsters, UCLA Mind, Medicine and Culture Group, Los Angeles, CA, 2011
Kites and Monsters, Rutgers University, Comparative Religion Class, Newark, NJ, 2012