
2 CD Set/ Soundtracks of the film "40 Years of Silence: An Indonesian Tragedy" and the series " Afflictions: Culture and Mental Illness in Indonesia"

Soundtrack from the film "40 Years of Silence: An Indonesian Tragedy"

Track Samples

1. Genjer Genjer Opening Credits
2. Degung and Pak Kereta
John Wood, Nyoman Wenten, Malcolm Cross, Adam Berg
3. Our Father Was Taken
John Wood, Harry Scorzo, Alan Mautner
4. Lanny and Tante Hok
Nyoman Wenten, Malcolm Cross
5. Unclean Environment
John Wood
6. Anger and Fear
Harry Scorzo, Nyoman Wenten, Marcy Vaj, Alan Mautner, Adam Berg
7. Budi's Homecoming/ Suharto's Fall
Malcolm Cross, Nyoman Wenten, Adam Berg, Harry Scorzo, Marcy Vaj, Alan Mautner
8. Enduring the Hardship
Nyoman Wenten, Adam Berg
9. Lanny's Gift
Singgih Sanjaya, Bejo
10. Degung Reflects
John Wood, Malcolm Cross
11. Breaking the Silence
Malcolm Cross, Alan Mautner, Nyoman Wenten, Adam Berg, Harry Scorzo, Marcy Vaj
12. Genjer Genjer Closing Credits
Dengue Fever

Soundtrack from the film "Afflictions: Culture and Mental Illness in Indonesia"

1. Shadows and Illuminations
Harry Scorzo, Malcolm Cross
2. The Second Child Dies
Harry Scorzo, Malcolm Cross
3. Kereta Recalls 1965
Malcolm Cross
4. The Spirit Being
Malcolm Cross
5. Kereta and Ada
Harry Scorzo, Malcolm Cross
6. Illuminations
Harry Scorzo, Malcolm Cross
7. Shadows and Illuminations End Credits
Malcolm Cross
8. Memory of My Face
Sinta Widaningsih, Malcolm Cross, Tim Walker
9. Bambang's Madness
Malcolm Cross
10. Stigma
Tim Walker, Malcolm Cross
11. Ritual Burdens
Nyoman Wenten
12. Memory of the Past
Malcolm Cross, Maya Magub
13. NKK Family Putri Cening
Nyoman Wenten, Malcolm Cross, Maya Magub
14. Putri Cening Ayu End Credits
Emilie Cross, Maya Magub, Malcolm Cross
15. The Bird Dancer
Nyoman Wenten, Harry Scorzo, Malcolm Cross
16. The Spirit Being
Malcolm Cross
17. Driving and Talking
Harry Scorzo, Malcolm Cross
18. Encouraging Words/ Gusti Cleans House/ Free from My Family
Nyoman Wenten, Malcolm Cross, Harry Scorzo
19. Find Friends, Not Enemies
Nyoman Wenten, Harry Scorzo, Malcolm Cross
20. I Want to Have a Match
Nyoman Wenten, Harry Scorzo, Malcolm Cross
21. Family Victim
Harry Scorzo, Malcolm Cross
22. More Ruined, More Chaotic/ Graffiti
Malcolm Cross
23. Cemetery Fight/ Ninik is Shocked
Malcolm Cross
24. Irah's Commitment/ Estu's Dream
Malcolm Cross
25. Family Victim End Credits
Malcolm Cross
26. Kites and Monsters
Malcolm Cross
27. Kites and Monsters/ 3 Rindik Pieces
Nyoman Wenten